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A Happy New Year


As the New Year approaches, I find myself reflecting on both the remarkable challenges and inherent opportunities that have presented themselves over this past year. It would be an outright untruth to say that 2020 hasn’t seriously tested us. However, while it has been extremely demanding of our hearts and our minds, that doesn’t mean we should overlook the truly good things that this year has brought us.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill

As I look back, 2020 was an incredibly difficult year for the entire world, but there were small blessings along the way that we should all appreciate:

  1. Family: We have had the opportunity to spend time with our loved ones, allowing us to focus less on work and appreciate them more

  2. Fresh Air: We were able to get up from our office chair and get outside for some fresh air and exercise

  3. Fellowship: Our kids learned how to play with each other (instead of video games) and spend time outside… and so did we!

  4. Future Opportunities: We learned we could successfully work from home – opening a future where you can to work from anywhere in the world!

  5. Fastidiousness: Restaurants and bathrooms are cleaner than ever

  6. Friendliness: We have learned the value of a smile and true friends

That being said, I find myself to be both humbled and grateful that you’ve given me the opportunity to connect with you through these challenging times – allowing me to share my thoughts and global leadership experience with you despite everything that is going on around us. As I look back, there have been so many valuable interactions (mostly virtual), comments and insights from all of you. I am blessed to have you in my network and I look forward to continuing our journey of continuous growth together in the new year.

This is a time to look forward – a time of hope and anticipation! This is true every new year, but this year especially. What will 2021 bring? How will we continue our journey? What opportunities and challenges will present themselves? I don’t know. But what I do know is that the New Year is a time for resolutions. Not the kind that are often broken before they ever begin, but the kind that you earnestly resolve to achieve in the coming year. In order to avoid that unfortunate feeling we get when we haven’t followed through with “resolutions”, I propose we focus on intentional goals for the coming year instead.

Now, we all know that goals that remain unwritten are just dreams, so I would like to encourage you to get a copy of Destinations: Your Guide To Setting & Achieving Meaningful Goals. This e-book will not only walk you through the process of establishing meaningful goals for your personal and professional life, it will provide a reliable roadmap to help you get to your desired “Destination”. Instead of trying to stick to resolutions that are made of promises and thin air, start the year off right by establishing meaningful goals that will take you where you want to go.


Intentionally think through what your focus areas will be in the coming year… personal and professional. Use Destinations to guide you through the process – you will be glad you did.

What will you intentionally resolve to achieve this year? What process will you follow?

As we close out this very challenging year, I would like to wish each and every one of you a very happy and prosperous New Year!

I would love for you to engage the discussion and let us know how you will intentionally focus on achieving your goals in the coming year. Please feel free to contact me at or by commenting on this blogpost. Check back often for more Leadership Across Boundaries and Borders.


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