
A sought-after thought leader and writer on cultural integration and global business, Sheri Lynn has spoken internationally on topics such as global leadership, cultural integration in global teams, leading with purpose, creating an inclusive workplace, and building bridges across difference.


Sheri is an engaging, insightful speaker who ignites forward and critical thinking at every level of the organization. Her business strategies are practical and applicable in today’s global environment.
~ ANN BLAYA-ARENA , Vice President,
BirdDog Solutions

Sheri is one of the business world’s most innovative and interesting speakers – she always has new ideas and unique perspectives on challenges we all face everyday. She brings fresh insights and new ways of seeing the world to every audience she presents to. Sheri’s confidence is unsurpassed and is evidenced by her willingness to share her guiding principles and ideas through her presentations that span the world.
~ VINCENT CHEN, Chief Executive Officer
Institute for Leadership Excellence
Beijing. Shanghai CHINA

I have seen Ms. Sheri Mackey present at several major conferences. She always presents her ideas in a very clear fashion and displays great self confidence. Ms. Mackey generates a great deal of interest whenever she speaks. Sheri is an enthralling speaker who easily holds the attention of others.
President, GBATA
Journal of Global Business & Technology

Sheri inspired a sold-out audience to pursue their passions and achieve their business goals in such a way that she was not only a speaker, but a motivator, advisor, supporter and promoter. The audience appreciated her structured approach, which was well-balanced between insightful storytelling and practical application.
President, SIETAR Germany

I have experienced Sheri twice as a presenter at international conferences, one in Africa and the other in New York City. What impressed me most during both occasions was the enthusiasm and rigor in her presentations with regard to audience involvement and topic expertise. She absolutely captures the audience – she is a natural, dynamic speaker.
Department Head,
Tshwane University. South Africa

…Another superb presentation. The quality of Sheri’s talk was outstanding and the level of intellectual interaction was exemplary - at the highest standard among top global conferences.
Dr. Kathleen Turner,
Boston University, U.S.A