A separate, but inter-related key to success from last weeks post lies with YOU – the leader as a resource. In today’s complex global business environment, the leader is the driving force and the magnet that draws people in – someone who has the ability to lead, connect, and (most importantly) to ignite a fire within the global workforce that will result in invaluable contributions that will drive personal development and organizational success to levels never anticipated or previously dreamed of. You are a key resource to the organization, and as such, you need to understand that how you allow yourself to be leveraged as a resource directly correlates with the success of your global teams and organization.
How people perceive you – your words and actions – will define you across the globe. How you relate to people, from all cultures and functions, will determine to a large extent, your ability to succeed. Do people from across the wider organization see you as an inspiration? Someone to follow, someone to believe in, someone to trust? Are you a partner? Does your global team perceive that they are a critical component to your vision and direction? Our research tells us over and over again, that people follow those they trust and those they are inspired by.
In today’s ever-changing business environment, you need to become even more than a known entity and an inspiration. You must become the social architect, constitution writer, and entrepreneur of meaning – in both thought and action. To secure global success as a leader, you must be willing to create an environment where every employee, from every culture and geography, has the opportunity to collaborate, innovate, and excel. Do this and you will have, not only global business success, but the undying loyalty of your workforce (a true rarity in today’s work environment).
Many centuries ago, Lau-Tzu said, “The wicked leader is he who the people despise. The good leader is he who the people revere. The great leader is he who the people say, ‘We did it ourselves.’ People embrace what they feel a part of – YOU are a global resource for inspiration and inclusionary practices. YOU have the ability to do great things through your global organization, if YOU are actually maximizing ALL your resources…including yourself.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at SheriLMackey@gmail.com. Check back next week for a new post on global leadership!