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Leadership: Courage, Attitude & Behavior

In addition to skills and competencies, real Leadership is about Courage, Attitude and Behavior:

  • Courage is not the absence of fear, but the absence of self.
  • A positive Attitude is a frame of mind – our perspective, as leaders, has much to do with how we engage and deal with challenges.
  • Our Behavior, in large part, determines how our people will act and react.

Do you see a common thread here? Despite differences in culture, gender, age and other variables, great leadership consistently demonstrates admirable characteristics. Here are some things to consider (remember) as you continue to learn and develop as a leader - no matter what your level or title:

Show Before You Tell

As a leader, walk the talk – nothing less is acceptable.  Consistently put others before yourself (Courage), demonstrate your perception of value in others (Attitude) and set the example as to how goals should be pursued (Behavior). Create standards of excellence and set the example for others to follow. Today’s complex environments can overwhelm people and stifle action - demonstrate that even small milestones are worthy of praise so people feel good when they achieve small wins as they work toward larger objectives. Be the leader to unravel bureaucracy when it impedes the greater good. Be there to provide guidance when people are unsure of where to go or how to get there.

Transform Through Shared Vision 

As a leader you must passionately believe that you can make a difference and have the (Courage) to make it happen. Envision the future, create the unique image of what the organization can become and put the plan in place to make it happen (Behavior). Through your magnetism and skillful persuasion (Attitude), enlist others to become part of the dream. Breathe life into the vision and help people to see exciting possibilities for the future (Courage, Attitude and Behavior).

Challenge the Process 

Always search for opportunities to change the status quo despite opposition (Courage). Look for innovative ways to implement change and improve the organization. In doing so, demonstrate that it is good to experiment and take risks – and encourage others to do so (Behavior). Embrace the fact that risk taking involves mistakes and failures and encourage the learning that can come from the inevitable mistakes that are bound to occur (Attitude).

Empower Others 

Consistently foster collaboration, build spirited teams and encourage others to step up and lead (Behavior). Always focus on what people can do – not what they can not do. Understand that mutual respect is what sustains extraordinary efforts (Attitude); strive to create an atmosphere of trust and human dignity (Courage); and demonstrate your ability to step aside and let potential leaders spread their wings (Behavior). Strengthen others in every way possible, making each person feel capable and powerful at all times (Courage, Attitude and Behavior).

Encourage the Spirit 

Accomplishing extraordinary things in organizations is hard work. To keep hope and determination alive, you need to recognize the contributions that individuals make (Courage). On every winning team, players need to share in the rewards of their efforts - celebrating accomplishments of every kind, large and small (Behavior). It is your job to make your people feel like heroes at every opportunity (Attitude).

As a leader, always examine your motive and intent in everything you do.  If you are not basing your decisions on Courage, Attitude and Behavior in context, you need to understand that you are inhibiting your ability to become a great leader… as well as limiting the opportunities of those that work for you. Without a healthy regard for Courage, Attitude and Behavior, you are in a “no win” situation unless you are willing to significantly reconsider the way you lead.

Is your leadership based on Courage… and the right Attitudes and Behaviors?

Please engage the discussion and let us know how you demonstrate courage, as well as the right attitudes and behaviors. Feel free to contact me at Visit again soon for new editions of Leadership Across Boundaries & Borders.


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