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My Gift To You

Knowledge and experience are invaluable gifts .


Have you ever stopped to ponder what you have been given and how you can leverage it for the greatest good? We acquire knowledge and experience on a daily basis as we go through life, but I have met very few people (and I do have a very large global network) that actually use what they know to maximize their potential. Whether it’s a natural talent or acquired knowledge, very few of us actually take the time to stop and consider how we can best utilize the “Gifts” we have been given.

Organizations realize how important it is to “know what they know” and consistently try to maximize their collective intelligence – shouldn’t you? In a world where the only certainty is uncertainty, your only real source of sustainable competitive advantage is your own knowledge and experience – and how you leverage them. Your success in this increasingly competitive world depends wholly on how you qualitatively and effectively manage those gifts.

You probably don’t consistently think about all the knowledge you have gained through the years. However, as the holidays are upon us, perhaps it is a good time to pause and reflect on what you do actually know…

You have knowledge and experience that is very specific and unique to you. Despite the vast amount of information you carry around in your head, you are not likely to consciously think back over what you have done over the past year and consider how you can convert it into useful knowledge for today. Reflecting back over all you have accomplished over this year (and years past) will prepare you for that which you are not even yet aware of.

My gift to you? I would like to challenge each and every one of you to…


Thoughtfully consider your gifts.

Unwrap each one, carefully unpack it, assess it and think about it’s inherent value.

Evaluate how well you use what you have been given.

Take the time to think back over what you have acquired through your years of service – you may suddenly begin to understand how that knowledge can serve you now and help you to prepare for the future.

May each and everyone of you have a wonderful holiday season that is full of “Gifts” you can share to make your world a better place!

What are your gifts?

I would love for you to engage the discussion and let us know how you will reflect upon your gifts this holiday season. Please feel free to contact me at Check back often for more Leadership Across Boundaries and Borders.


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